Deniz Kaya

Mènètrier's Disease

This illustration was created for a biomedical communications course called: MSC2018 – Visual Representation of Processes in Pathology. It was an exercise in researching and visualizing a pathological change to healthy tissue over time. I selected this disease because it is interesting and rare, thus I make a contribution to the limited visuals that currently exist. This illustration was completed through: Adobe Illustrator and Savage Procreate. It was challenging, but rewarding to visualize since it follows the pathogenesis from the cellular to the gross-anatomical level. 

Objective: To make a visual comparison between healthy and pathological states

Final Output: 11″x17″ Magazine Spread 

Audience: Educated Lay Audience

Client: Dr. Shelley Wall & Dr. John Wong

Medium: Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop, Savage Procreate

Year: 2019